Rage Against the Machine

Louisiana. Minnesota. Texas. WTF?

Times like these it’s tough to write. Or is it?

The morning after 11 police offers were shot in Dallas I found myself trying to find the motivation to lecture at Reinhardt University’s new MFA program in creative writing.

Until I remembered… this is why we write. To make a difference.

Everyone has something to say. About gun rights. About racism. About police brutality.

Now’s your chance.

Stewing with anger? Ripped with guilt? Crushed with sadness?

Pick up a pen.

What do you want to say? About these topics? About others?

Not only is this your opportunity to express your opinion, criticism and suggestions for others to hear, but you will find the catharsis of laying your thoughts on the page will allow you to heal.

Two of the most important bits of advice I pass on to any writer are these:

1. Have something to say.

2. Say it different.

That’s it. Do that. And you’re well on your way to being heard, being hired and being healed.

Searching for an idea? Turn on the news. There are countless stories looking back at you.

Today the passionate MFA brood returned from whence they came. All over the country. Just think. If armed with new vigor and inspiration, what changes they could make in their community. Writing scripts, books, articles, blogs. As the saying goes, think global, act local.

What changes do you want to see in the world? What’s stopping you?

Pick up a pen. It’s easier than a gun.